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The Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR) is an active working coalition of business leaders and employers. We are dedicated to engaging in one of the most crucial domestic policy debates of our time - the health of every American. From Capitol Hill, to state legislatures, to inside our boardrooms we are committed to solving this crisis, because it threatens the health of our people and the economy.

At the current growth rate, healthcare costs will be 22 percent of the United State's gross domestic product by 2015, which will negatively impact the competitiveness of U.S. businesses in the global marketplace and be detrimental to American workers. By next year, the average Fortune 500 firm will have a healthcare bill that exceeds its net income. And today, 47 million Americans are living and raising their families without health insurance.

Action must be taken to stop these alarming trends and we believe healthcare reform must happen before 2009. Waiting longer - until 2012 or beyond - is simply not good enough for the millions of uninsured Americans, businesses struggling to provide affordable benefits or the insured who fight to keep up with rising costs for coverage and care.

Through this newly formed organization, the business community can join together with other likeminded leaders, to advance meaningful, market-based solutions to this crisis. By advancing a set of core principles to guide and shape state and federal policies embraced by the coalition, the business community can, and should be, in a leadership position to advance solutions that reverse rising healthcare costs, solve the problem of the uninsured, and dramatically improve the quality of care for every American.

Join CAHR – make sure you have a seat at the table!
© 2007 CAHR