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PepsiCo’s health care strategy is founded on five core principles.  Each principle leads to specific initiatives which in combination help to achieve the company’s health care cost, quality, market competiveness and employee satisfaction objectives.

The five core principles are:

Focus on Wellness and Prevention
•    Monetary incentives for healthy behaviors and participation in wellness activities
•    Disincentives (in the form of higher premiums) for unhealthy behaviors such as smoking
•    Health coaches available to work one-on-one to reduce manageable health risks
•    Disease management programs
•    Benefits coverage for wellness and preventive care

Provide Access to Quality Health Care
•    High performance networks of medical specialists, with plan design incentives
•    Centers of Excellence for transplants, cancer treatment, coronary heart disease and infertility treatment
•    Data mining of claims data to identify gaps in treatment compliance, potentially harmful drug interactions, followed by patient or          physician outreach
•    Access to Best Doctors for specialist referrals

Encourage Health Care Consumerism
•    Cost sharing strategy which gives employees a meaningful financial stake
•    Plan design features that align employee costs with their decisions and behaviors
•    Information which clearly positions options and costs

Manage the Health Care Supply Chain
•    Utilize low-cost suppliers
•    Leverage group purchasing and coalitions to drive scale
•    Implement performance guarantees with suppliers

Leverage Health Information Technology
•    Provide employees with information on provider cost and quality as the basis for their purchasing decisions
•    Offer on-line personal health records which are regularly updated
•    Advocate for health care technology and interoperability in the market place
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