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Jan 30, 2008

Sacramento Bee: Governor: Time To 'Regroup'

It's not over for a health care plan for California, as far as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez are concerned.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

San Francisco Chronicle: Bill 'Over,' But Governor Won't Give Up

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, flanked by Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and representatives of two dozen interest groups, pledged Tuesday to work with them to salvage an ambitious plan to reform the state's ailing health care system.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

Sacramento Bee: Perata's Reasons For Killing Health Bill: Huh?

State Senate's Leader Leaves A Sad Legacy As Historic Opportunity Dies On His Watch   The demise of health care reform in the California Senate is a crushing setback for the 6.7 million Californians who lack health insurance.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

Wall Street Journal: Health Costs Hinder Overhaul

The demise of California's proposed health-care restructuring underscores a difficulty states face in achieving universal insurance coverage: their inability to slow the upward trajectory of health-care costs, analysts said.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

Los Angeles Times: I Supported The Health Plan

On monday, a sweeping proposal to reform the health insurance system in California and provide coverage to the millions of Californians currently without health insurance was defeated in the Senate Health Committee.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

Sacramento Bee: Health Plan Defeated: Budget Deficit Fears Cited At Senate Panel’s Vote

In handing Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger his biggest legislative setback, members of a Senate panel expressed concerns Monday that his plan to cover most Californians without health insurance was inadequately funded and would worsen the state budget crisis.  read more »
Jan 30, 2008

San Francisco Chronicle: Unhealthy Future

It's over. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he intends to fight on for health care, but it looks all but dead. The state Senate Health Committee's decision Monday to shoot down the governor's painstakingly prepared universal health care proposal is dooming any chance for reform, and not just for this deficit-ridden year. Californians probably won't see another universal health-care plan for years to come.  read more »
Jan 29, 2008

Business First Of Columbus: Health-care reform plan unveiled at Statehouse

The state legislator who chairs the Ohio House's health-care reform committee has unveiled legislation aimed at increasing access to affordable medical treatment and reducing the number of uninsured Ohioans.  read more »
Jan 29, 2008

San Francisco Chronicle: Health Care Plan Shot Down By Senate Panel

A groundbreaking effort to bring health coverage to millions of uninsured Californians failed overwhelmingly Monday before a state Senate committee, a victim of the slowing economy and uncertainly over how the program would work.  read more »
Jan 29, 2008

Bloomberg: Schwarzenegger’s Universal Health Plan Scuttled By Budget Woes

California lawmakers said they must contend with the state's growing budget crisis before they reconsider Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to provide health insurance for everyone in the most populous U.S. state.  read more »
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