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Dec 6, 2007

Capitol Weekly: The New Health Care Reform Challenge

When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger agreed to go to the ballot to seek funding for a plan to expand health care coverage, he eliminated a major hurdle to getting a plan approved. Without a funding component, the plan only needs a simple majority in the Legislature, eliminating the need for any Republican support.  read more »

Dec 6, 2007

The Economist: Arguing over the cure

IT IS obvious to anyone that the patient is ill. But the physicians agree on little else: not the underlying cause, certainly not the appropriate course of treatment and least of all which among them is best qualified to administer it. As they argue, the patient just gets sicker.   read more »

Dec 5, 2007

San Francisco Chronicle: Prospects For Overhauling Health Care In State Look Poorer

An expected vote on legislation overhauling California's $170 billion health care system has been postponed indefinitely, as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders disagree on elements of the plan from tax subsidies to insurance reform.  read more »

Dec 5, 2007

San Jose Mercury News: Small businesses need health care help

The prospect of relief from the crushing health care burden faced by small businesses has moved closer to reality in the past two weeks, as California's top legislators submitted a compromise health care reform proposal, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger responded with a counterproposal of his own.


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Dec 5, 2007

New York Times: Clinton Attack on Obama Overlooks Some Realities

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has been attacking Senator Barack Obama's health care plan, saying that while her proposal would provide universal coverage, his would leave out 15 million people.  read more »

Dec 5, 2007

Wall Street Journal: Campaign '08: Which Democrat's Health Plan Really, Truly Covers More People?

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Dec 5, 2007

The Business Review: State picks universal health care consultant

New York State has chosen the Urban Institute to assist it in developing a strategic plan for achieving universal health insurance.

Earlier this year, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said one of his main goals was to make sure all New Yorkers had access to affordable, quality coverage. He instructed state Health Commissioner Richard Daines and state Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo to come up with proposals to achieve that goal on a step-by-step basis.

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Dec 4, 2007

Dallas Morning News: Politics, poverty, immigration entangle Texas health care

Miles Brooks was born in 2002 with end-stage renal disease, or kidney failure, and immediately placed on dialysis. Every night, the DeSoto boy gets hooked up for 10 hours to a machine in his bedroom – his mom, Chinea, connecting the tubes to a catheter in his tummy.  read more »

Dec 4, 2007

Dallas Morning News: Democrats get infusion of campaign money from health care

In Texas and across the country, doctors, insurers and health care executives – long considered among the most conservative of Americans – are donating much more to Democratic candidates than in past campaigns, which some call an indication that the industry is ready for major change to the health care system.  read more »

Dec 4, 2007

Denver Business Journal: Republicans unveil health care agenda

Republican lawmakers previewed their health care agenda for the upcoming legislative session Monday.  read more »

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