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Nov 1, 2007

Sacramento Bee: Governor's Health Care Plan Receives A Checkup

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's universal health care plan finally received a hearing in the Legislature on Wednesday - 10 months after he unveiled it amid much pomp - and was greeted with bipartisan skepticism.  read more »

Nov 1, 2007

San Jose Mercury News: Democrats Assail Health Care Plan

With Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's health care proposal stalled in negotiations and hopes of a breakthrough dimming, Democrats grilled a top administration aide for nearly two hours Wednesday, claiming the governor's reforms would sock middle-class families with insurance costs they can't afford.  read more »

Oct 31, 2007

San Francisco Chronicle: Assembly Panel Gets Governor's Health Care Plan

After nearly a year of debate and discussion, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's health care reform bill finally goes before a legislative committee Wednesday - on Halloween, which to some legislators is appropriate given its chances for survival.  read more »

Oct 30, 2007

New York Times: Looking At Dutch And Swiss Health Systems

The Swiss and Dutch health care systems are suddenly all the rage. They have features similar to proposals by at least two presidential hopefuls, and next month the United States' top health official will visit Switzerland and the Netherlands to kick the tires.  read more »

Oct 30, 2007

Sacramento Bee: How To Define Affordable Health Care Is Key Issue

Although Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democrats who control the Legislature have narrowed their differences over health care, they still have a fundamental difference in how they view the problem and the potential solution.  read more »

Oct 28, 2007

Sacramento Bee: Young pushing change of policy for health insurance

Cyndi Rose is an administrative assistant at California State University, Sacramento, and hopes to finish her college studies one day.  read more »

Oct 26, 2007

Sacramento Bee: Union Antics Imperil Health Care Deal

It's a sad day for organized labor in California.  read more »

Oct 26, 2007

New York Times: House Defies Bush and Passes Insurance Bill

Once again defying a veto threat from President Bush, the House on Thursday passed a bill to provide health insurance for 10 million children. But supporters did not have enough votes to override the promised veto.  read more »

Oct 25, 2007

Los Angeles Times: Voters favor Democratic ideas to mend healthcare

Democratic ideas for fixing the healthcare system to cover the uninsured enjoy more support among Americans than proposals coming from Republicans, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll shows.  read more »

Oct 25, 2007

New York Times: House to Vote on New Child Health Bill

Sensing a political advantage, Democrats were trying today to win passage of a new health care bill for children, knowing that President Bush plans to veto it. Like the original, which President Bush vetoed three weeks ago, it would cover 10 million children through the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and increase spending on the program by $35 billion, for a total of $60 billion, in the next five years.  read more »

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